Quora + Hacker Noon Partnership

17 Nov 2017

Dear Curious Hacker,

Questions — and not answers — drive the quest for knowledge. Quora’s mission, to share and grow the world’s knowledge, aligns with our quest to publish how and why the best tech’s made. We both value the perspective of the creator, the maker, the expert in the field, the one who is actually doing what they’re writing about. I’m very excited to announce that we’ve partnered to bring Quora’s top trending tech answers into the Hacker Noon community.

Hacker Noon will be republishing Quora’s top trending technology stories at a rate of 1 per day. The hub of republished Quora answers can be found at hackernoon.com/quora.

Here Are The First 10 Trending Quora Answers Republished as Hacker Noon Stories:

4 Incredible Examples Of How Blockchain Is Changing The Future Of Human Rights By Alyssa Satara, Masters of Law (LLM) Public International Law & Human Rights, City University London (2016)

How Competitive Are Amazon and Google? By Alon Amit, former Group Product Manager at Google.

Security Vulnerabilities in Open Source Software By Preethy Soman, IBM Market Segment Manager

Solving the Most Interesting Bug of My Career in 15 Steps By Quora’s Udayan Banerji.

The 4 Core Research Areas of Medical Informatics By University of Texas School of Biomedical Informatics

The Narrowing Pay Gap Between Sales People and Engineers By SafeGraph’s Auren Hoffman

What to Expect From A Coding Challenge By Danielle Kain, Stanford BS MCS ’16, MS Biomedical Informatics ’17

When a Developer Says, “We Can’t Do That…” By Stan Hanks, software engineering (it’s more than just writing code)

While New Technologies Constantly Emerge, Development Experience Still Determines Quality of Work By Mario Peshev, CEO of DevriX

Work-Life Balance: Tech vs. Finance vs. Consulting By Amy Nassisi, worked at Business Talent Group

On Quora, the answers will link to the Hacker Noon story. Here’s an example:

If you’re interested in related digital publishing partnerships, please email us at Partners@AMiPublications.com. And as always, we’re listening for stories over email at Stories@AMiPublications.com.

Until next time, don’t take the realities of the world for granted.

Kind Regards,

David Smooke, @AMI

p.s. read hackernoon.com/quora