34 Trending Startup Locations Based on 2021 Tech Community Polling

16 Aug 2021

Startup of the Year Voting opened on July 26, and we some preliminary data to report on. For reference, nominations close Sep 6, 2021 and voting ends on January 26, 2022.

Trending Startup Locations Based on Total City Vote Counts:

2,067 Votes on Singapore Startups

1,534 Votes on Los Angeles Startups

1,523 Votes on Redwood City Startups

1,170 Votes on Chicago Startups

882 Votes on San Francisco Startups

709 Votes on Lagos Startups

552 Votes on San Luis Obispo

391 Votes on Kyiv Startups

365 Votes on South San Francisco Startups

322 Votes on London Startups

317 Votes on Portland Startups

312 Votes on New York City Startups

311 Votes on Zug Startups

284 Votes on Mexico City Startups

268 Votes on Mississauga Startups

271 Votes on Baltimore Startups

257 Votes on Boston Startups

227 Votes on Sydney Startups

225 Votes on Pune Startups

213 Votes of Almaty Startups

208 Votes on Ontario Startups

208 Votes on Toronto Startups

194 Votes on MelBourne Startups

151 Votes on Indianapolis Startups

155 Votes on Calgary Startups

144 Votes on Tel Aviv Startups

141 Votes on Columbus Startups

120 Votes on Somerset Startups

118 Votes on Berkeley Startups

112 Votes on Colorado Springs Startups

107 Votes on Palo Alto Startups

104 Votes on Berlin Startups

103 Votes on Ankara Startups

101 Votes on Tomsk Startups

Note, there is some bias based on HackerNoon’s readership locations, and please check out the full startup voting faq for any details about our Startup of the Year Voting.