Introducing The Tech Company Brief: a free and timely data driven insight into which tech companies are rising and falling in the public consciousness.
Data is essential to the story. In building a technology publishing platform, we’ve published tens of thousands of text stories read by hundreds of millions of people. To better tell the story of the technology industry, we want to surface more original data about technology trends. To start, we are publishing original data about how the tech communities’ interest in specific technology companies varies over time.
The Tech Company Brief contains two HackerNoon original data points to measure how the internet is talking more or less about these technology companies: Weekly Tech Company Rank and Trending Tech Community Interest (both detailed below). This data derives from traffic, time on page, and engagement on tech company news pages and tech stories.
Weekly Tech Company Rankings
Ranks all tech companies from 1 to 100 by visitors and time of page to each tech company news page. Based on people’s consumption of every tech company news page, this unique social data by HackerNoon ranks interest in tech companies over the previous seven days.
Trending Tech Community Interest Score
Week over week trending, i.e. what +/- XX% is the companies interest when compared to the previous week. By comparing the WoW interest in tech company news pages, HackerNoon shares which tech companies are rising and falling in the public consciousness.
Both the Weekly Tech Company Rank and Trending Tech Community Interest Score update once per day, and are based on data points from the previous two weeks. While the live page itself features lists of 100 companies, the The Tech Company Brief email includes just the five weekly company rankings and the top five most trending community interest risers.
Adding that Human Editor Touch
Often in life we ask ourselves what does it all mean? While raw data is essential to the story, we are a technology publishing platform that opts to have every story reviewed by a professional staff editor. And in the future of the technology industry, I anticipate that the most valuable storytelling platforms will be a mix of text and data.
With this in mind, a HackerNoon staff editor will write original introductions to for every issue of this weekly newsletter. We spend a lot of time and money covering the technology industry, and I think our expertise and framing for why companies rise and fall in the public consciousness will create a more useful newsletter than just the raw data. I wrote the first couple issues, and
Sheharyar Khan wrote the next few.